Today kicks off the first of three Feature Fridays showcasing projects made using products from our December 2020 Release, and to help us out we've invited five fabulous guest designers. A big Concord & 9th welcome to Sue Plote, Becky Roberts, Wanda Guess, Carrie Rhoades, and Sara Sherlock! We are so excited to be featuring the work of these incredibly talented crafters and we can't wait to see what they come up with. Today we'll be showing you what they made using the Weekender Handbag Bundle and the Bright Eyes Bundle. You can find out more about these designers and check out their projects below!
SUE PLOTE - @thispinkrooster

BECKY ROBERTS - @inkingidaho
I’ve been stamping for 19 years and blogging about stamping for 13 years at Inking Idaho. Although stamping will always be my first love, making paper purses and paper flowers run a close second. I love to create dimensional items! My style is pretty clean and simple with attention to every detail. I’m not much of a technique stamper – a little too OCD to make a big mess. I have a tiny stamping area in the alcove of our bonus room where the dog lays at my feet and the cat in the window and a view of the gorgeous mountains at the end of our street.
I started stamping with the deaf community in Sacramento 19 years ago after I lost my own hearing with the birth of our first son. I needed to find a hobby that I could enjoy without having to ‘hear’ too much instruction. A friend suggested stamping and the rest is history and the reason I use the hashtag #deafstamper on Instagram.
I have been married to George Papadopoulos for 27 years and we have two college age boys, Benjamin and Nicholas. We also have a golden retriever named Daphne and a cat named Cheeto, so basically we will never be empty nesters and that is just the way we like it!

WANDA GUESS - @stampcatwg
Hi! I'm Wanda Guess! I live in Northern California with my dear hubs and our sweet kitty named Lucky! I blog over at A Blog Called Wanda. This year is my 25th year of stamping! I started blogging ten years ago because I wanted to be part of this amazing online community of creatives. I have met so many wonderful people through crafting. I do something creative every day, and try to find the beauty in everything around me. My first creative passion is photography. I also love to crochet and cross stitch - and drink lots of coffee! If I'm not creating, you will probably find me on Instagram, or at my favorite coffee shop. I'm so excited to be joining Concord & 9th this month to showcase their great new release!

CARRIE RHOADES - @carrierhoades

SARA SHERLOCK - @muchlovesara

Let's inspire each other! We'd love to see what you do with the Weekender Handbag and Bright Eyes Bundles! Make sure you tag us in your posts and use the hashtags #c9december2020release, #weekenderhandbagbundle, #brighteyesbundle, and of course, #concordand9th.