It’s the last Feature Friday for our February Release and we can’t quite believe it! Today we’re sharing the cute and crafty ways our fantastic guest designers have used the Magical Day Bundle and Out of This World Bundle. We have absolutely loved working with Emily, Jill, and Meghann this month and want to send out a huge thank you for all the incredible projects they’ve shared with us! Be sure to visit them on social media to show some love.

EMILY MYDLOWSKI - @popsofpaper
JILL HAWKINS - @jilldhawkins
MEGHANN ANDREW - @meghannandrew
Let's inspire each other! We'd love to see what you do with the Magical Day Bundle and Out of This World Bundle! Make sure you tag us in your posts and use the hashtags #c9februaryrelease, #magicalday, #outofthisworld, and of course, #concordand9th.