We have two remaining products in our February Release to feature this Friday–the Kids are Grand Bundle and Petite Pals Bundle. Our fabulous guest designers have put together several projects to showcase some of the ways you can use these playful bundles. We've loved having Karen, Latisha, and Laurie design for us this month and hope you have too! See what they made with this week's products below and then head over to their Instagram pages and give them a follow so you can continue to be inspired by their craftiness!
KAREN DOWNS - @karen_crafts10

LATISHA YOAST - @latishayoast

LAURIE WILLISON - @laurie_willison

Let's inspire each other! We'd love to see what you do with the Kids are Grand Bundle and Petite Pals Bundle! Make sure you tag us in your posts and use the hashtags #c9february2021release, #kidsaregrandbundle, #petitepalsbundle and of course, #concordand9th.