We have two wonderfully wonderful crafters joining us this month as Guest Designers, Erica AB and Wanda Guess! These lovely ladies have created some fantastic cards to help us show off the Good Vibes Bundle and Picked Posie Bundle. Check them out below and then be sure to pay them a visit over on Instagram and share a little love.

ERICA AB - @erica_cacacraft
Hi there! I’m Erica, and I’m a self-confessed craft-a-holic. I’ve always been creative in one way or another, for as long as I can remember. Sewing, wood working, metal working, painting, stitching and embroidery etc etc. The list goes on. My biggest love, however, is card making, and it has been for years now.
I love colouring and seeing projects come to life in front of me, it speaks to my soul on a deep level. If I didn’t have a crafty outlet, I’m 100% sure I’d go nuts. Or nuttier as some people would say...
WANDA GUESS - @stampcatwg

Let's inspire each other! We'd love to see what you do with the Good Vibes Bundleand Picked Posie Bundle! Make sure you tag us in your posts and use the hashtags #c9may2022release, #goodvibesbundle, #pickedposiebundle, and of course, #concordand9th.