It’s the first Feature Friday for our February Release, so you know what that means–brand new Guest Designers! We are pleased as punch to have Emily Mydlowski, Jill Hawkins, and Meghann Andrew sharing their crafty expertise with us all month long. This week they've created some truly stunning cards with the Delicate Blossoms Bundle. Check out their designs below as you get to know them each a little better below!

EMILY MYDLOWSKI - @popsofpaper
Hi Crafty Friends! My name is Emily Mydlowski and I LOVE all things paper & stamps. I live in Colorado with my husband and tween soccer-loving daughter. I’m a corporate girl by day so I spend most of my time crafting at night and on the weekends. I enjoy stretching my creativity and supplies to create bright & cheerful Pops of Paper with a Clean & Simple Style and a little bit of whimsy. I’m so excited to be a Guest Designer this month and can’t wait to share my projects with you!!
JILL HAWKINS - @jilldhawkins
Hi there--My name is Jill Hawkins and I'm elated to be here creating with Concord & 9th this month! Being creative and crafting *all the things* has been my go-to since I was little. Cardmaking is the creative and mental exercise that I really enjoy, especially sharing it with the friends I've made through this craft.
I live just outside Chicago with my husband and son and my background is in Architecture. Our son keeps us hip to the latest (aka coolest) lingo... even though we are not allowed to speak this lingo ourselves. I'm eternally optimistic of being considered "cool" again by our son and of another Chicago Cubs World Series Championship! :)
MEGHANN ANDREW - @meghannandrew
Meghann Andrew is a 30-something wife and mother of two living in the suburbs of Chicago, IL. When she’s not “momming” she loves to work out, try new clean eating recipes, and document her family’s daily life in scrapbook layouts, pocket pages, and traveler’s notebooks. Her love of papercrafting started by cardmaking as a teenager, so she always returns to that format when in need of inspiration! With a background in interior design, she loves the fine details in creating new things—starting with good design first and foremost. In addition to serving as the Social Engagement Coordinator and a Crop & Create educator for Scrapbook & Cards Today Magazine, Meghann is also the design team and classroom coordinator for Elle’s Studio.
Let's inspire each other! We'd love to see what you do with the Delicate Blossoms Bundle! Make sure you tag us in your posts and use the hashtags #c9februaryrelease, #delicateblossoms, and of course, #concordand9th.