In our first Feature Friday of 2021 we're taking a look at the final product in our December 2020 Release, the Botanical Bundle. We want to thank Sue, Becky, Wanda, Carrie, and Sara for sharing their incredible talents this past month, they are fantastic and you should absolutely follow them on social media because they are full of crafty inspiration you don't want to miss! Check out the projects they made with the Botanical Turnabout™ Stamp Set and Botanical Dies below.
SUE PLOTE - @thispinkrooster

BECKY ROBERTS - @inkingidaho
WANDA GUESS - @stampcatwg

CARRIE RHOADES - @carrierhoades

Let's inspire each other! We'd love to see what you do with the Botanical Bundle! Make sure you tag us in your posts and use the hashtags #c9december2020release, #botanicalbundle and of course, #concordand9th.