Is it time to start sending Christmas cards? Because after seeing all this week's amazing holiday projects we don't know how much longer we can wait! Get ready to be wowed by all the colorful inspiration Carissa, Jessica, and Rachel have created with the Festive Phrases Bundle, Nordic Noel Bundle, and Poinsettia Quilt Top Dies!

CARISSA WILEY - @carissawiley

JESSICA FROST-BALLAS - @jessicafrostballas
RACHEL ARRIBAS - @rachelrdesigns
Let's inspire each other! We'd love to see what you do with the Festive Phrases Bundle, Nordic Noel Bundle, and Poinsettia Quilt Top Dies! Make sure you tag us in your posts using the hashtags #c9september2022release, #festivephrasesbundle, #nordicnoelbundle, #poinsettiaquilttopdies and of course, #concordand9th.